- My $ATR are staked on the BSC, how can I withdraw them and what are the conditions?

Write and email to [email protected] with your ICO wallet adress or the email adress you used. You will be able to unstake your BSC ATR and get it with your staking rewards to date.

- I don’t see my $ATR in my Metamask

Make sure to add ATR contract to your Metamask: 0x7559C49c3Aec50E763A486bB232fA8d0d76078e4

Your ATR may also be in staking, you can check that on Artrade.sale

Note: all ATR from the ICO have been claimed and sent to the wallets.

- Do I have to migrate my ATR? Can I keep it on the BSC?

You can keep your ATR on the BSC, however you will not be able to use your ATR on Artrade.

So you can’t participate in any staking program, buy back, raffles…