Users can stake $ATR tokens to unlock more benefits on the Artrade marketplace.

By doing so, they are becoming Artrade DAO members.

DAO members unlock these benefits on Artrade:

Users can stake their $ATR tokens in 3 different pools with different levels of benefits. The tokens in these pools are locked for periods of 90 days.

Supporter pool: 25k $ATR min. / +15% discount / 15% APY

Sponsor pool: 100k $ATR min. / +22.5% discount / 20% APY.

Ambassador pool: 250k $ATR min. / +30% discount / 25% APY.

When the 90 days period is over, users can withdraw their tokens from the pools or they can renew their staking. If they chose to renew their staking, they get an additional bonus to their APY:

Supporter : +1.5%

Sponsor: +2%

Ambassador: +2.5%

Finally, 80% of the proceeds from the marketplace sales are distributed to DAO members in proportion to their share of the total staking pool (1% of the staking pool = 1% of the revenue sharing).