Wallets are the only way for you to interact with the web3, it can be difficult to know which one to choose. Let's break this down.

Updated September 15, 2023

There are 2 main wallets for Solana right now : Phantom and Glow.

If you prefer a video tutorial, here's one.

Phantom setup:

  1. Head to https://phantom.app/.

  2. Click on "Download".

  3. Select the browser you are using.

  4. You will be redirected to the phantom extension store page of your browser's company.

  5. Click on "Add to Chrome/Brave/Firefox".

  6. During the 1st opening of your wallet extension, you'll be asked if you want to create or import a wallet.

  7. If you don't already have a passphrase, hit "create a new wallet"

  8. You will be asked to create a password for your wallet.

  9. They will give you your passphrase (which consist in 12 or 24 words), save it somewhere it's absolutely safe (in a password manager or on a piece of paper)

Note: This passphrase is the key to your funds, never ever share it with anyone. Even our or phantom support will never need your passphrase.

Congrats! You just created your first solana wallet!

You can now head to our next tutorial to learn how to add some funds to your wallet.