Updated September 15, 2023

Now you've created your wallet and have some sol on it, you can start to mint your first NFT!

To do so, please be sure you're first logged on Artrade.

Create your first collection

  1. Click on the "+" sign at the top right of the artrade.app/feed page
  2. You will be asked for your collection's name, description, tags and cover
  3. Once you've entered everything, you'll have to sign a transaction in your wallet that will cost you some fees.
  4. On the next screen, you can mint your first NFT.
  5. Click on "upload your artwork" and select the artwork you want to mint in the previously created collection.
  6. Name it, add a description and a tag.
  7. Set your royalty settings (from 0 to 10%).
  8. Add a co-creator if you want to share the earnings with someone and define how much percentage you want to share with them.
  9. Select the License you want to apply to your work.
  10. Set the type of sale and the price (if not "open to offer").
  11. Finally, create the NFT the same way you created your collection and sign the transaction in your wallet.

You should now see your brand new NFT in the "collected" or "created" tab in your profile!