A flexible 25% APY is offered to ATR holders . The program is accessible through the user dashboard of any account created on Artrade :

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You can also access this dashboard by clicking on “ATR & Staking” in your personal menu.


A strategic staking plan has been devised to enable token holders to benefit from APY (Annual Percentage Yield). Initially, this yield will be fueled by an allocation from the reserve. Subsequently, platform fees will be utilized to purchase tokens from the market, ensuring a sustainable rewards mechanism for holders. Daily, the entirety of the 5% platform sales commission will be utilized to buy-back tokens from the market, bolstering the staking program and insuring a constant buying pressure.

It is crucial to uphold a restricted token circulation. To achieve this, a burn program will operate concurrently with the staking plan, aligning the number of tokens burned with the distributed rewards. This burn initiative, combined with a fixed total supply of 1.8 billion ATR without any inflation, will notably enhance the token's scarcity. This mirrors Bitcoin's approach, emphasizing ATR's limited supply.

The synergy between the staking program and the burn initiative not only incentivizes participation but also enhances the token's scarcity, augmenting its value within the ecosystem. This strategic framework not only aims to benefit token holders but also to fortify the ATR token as an integral component of Artrade's vibrant and thriving community.